NJ Transit has given our club permission to beautify the Spring Lake Train Station. Members plant and maintain flowers and shrubs around the train station.
Arbor Day
The Garden Club celebrates by planting a tree in one of our local parks. The mayor of Spring Lake and students from the fourth grade at Spring Lake H.W. Mountz School join club members in poetry and song to commemorate the day. The aim is to educate the public and particularly the youth of Spring Lake on the importance of planting and caring for trees.
Civic Beautification
Our club plants and maintains large flower containers at the North and South End Pavilions on the boardwalk of Spring Lake. In addition, floral arrangements are placed at the Spring Lake Borough Library and Municipal Building to promote an appreciation for flowers and strengthen community outreach.
Environmental newsletters are presented at our monthly meetings disseminating up-to-date information on the protection and conservation of our water and natural resources, techniques for organic gardening, and suggestions for the use of nontoxic products in and around our homes.
Through the efforts of members, money is raised and given to the following organizations: St Andrew’s Methodist Church, St Catharine-St Margaret Catholic Parish, Holy Trinity Church, Sister’s Academy, Spring Lake Community House, Spring Lake Community House Christmas Fund, and our local food bank, Fulfill.
Annual Fall Luncheon
Floral Design
Workshops in creative design are held for our members throughout the year.
Forget-Me-Nots Newsletter
Members are kept abreast of local, state, and national garden events through this newsletter.
Members volunteer at the Fulfill facility planting seeds, maintaining the gardens, and donating monies at our monthly meetings. Fulfill is the food bank for Monmouth and Ocean Counties.
Garden Tour
Annually we host a garden tour of Spring Lake gardens. Visiting plein-air artists capture the gardens on canvas that are displayed at a local gallery. Refreshments are served throughout the day on one of Spring Lake’s most beautiful front porches.

Holy Trinity
An ongoing landscaping project at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, an 1880 summer church that is on the National Historic Register, continues throughout the growing season with planting, pruning, and weeding.
Native Plant Project
Located at the Spring Lake Reclamation Center, this garden is landscaped with native plants that the club planted and maintains. The native plants attract butterflies and bees for pollination and provide a natural habitat for birds.

Operation Sunshine
During the first week of May, we remember people who need a little sunshine in their lives and distribute floral arrangements to senior facilities in the area. Throughout the year, homebound club members are remembered with cards and small flower arrangements.
Perennial Garden
Located at the Spring Lake Municipal Building , this garden is landscaped with perennial shrubs and flowers that the club then maintains. The plants add color and beauty to a side/back yard on Borough property.
Plant It Pink
To promote breast cancer awareness , pink flowers are planted both in the spring and fall at the Welcome to Spring Lake sign opposite the Spring Lake Municipal Building.
Random Acts of Beauty
The front gardens of homes and businesses in Spring Lake are a gift to the community providing those who pass by with a sense of beauty and awe. Throughout the year beautiful front gardens within our town are chosen. The owners receive Certificates of Appreciation and framed pictures of their homes or businesses.

Each spring senior students from local high schools who plan to study horticulture or environmental subjects in college are invited to apply for a Garden Club scholarship. Learn More Here
Spring Lake Community House Christmas Fund
Members participate by donating funds and buying, wrapping, and distributing gifts to needy families at Christmas.
Whistlestop Gardens
The Garden Club collaborated with other Spring Lake civic groups to beautify Potter Park, the gateway to Spring Lake. Members developed a landscape plan that they implemented and are now maintaining.
Wreaths Across America
This organization was founded in 1992 to honor our veterans. Our club participates in the project by laying a wreath at our veterans’ memorial. Additionally, the Garden Club organizes a reception and provides refreshments for local government representatives, local American Legion Post and fire/first aid organizations as well as local residents.